“Spine Blueprint”



Fine art Giclee reproductions on paper or canvas, hand-signed by the artist.
Paper Giclee prints are archival ink on hard, flat archival art print paper. The print comes rolled in a tube and is recommended for framing behind glass.
The beautiful collectable canvas reproductions are Giclee archival ink prints on heavy weight archival art canvas.  Each canvas reproduction has a 3-inch white border beyond the specified print size.
Canvas prints may be framed under glass like a standard art print on paper, or mounted on a stretch frame or a board and framed or left unframed. Gallery mirror wrap imaging is avaialble at no additional cost if requested at the time of purchase.
Canvas prints are left unsealed, resulting in a high-detail matte, non-reflective finish per the deliberate stylistic preference of the artist. The canvas reproduction comes rolled in a tube.
No sales tax, shipping is $1.
Custom sized reproductions are available. Please inquire the studio by emailing kamron@kamroncolemanart.com
Original not available.

Additional information

Dimensions N/A

10w x 24h Paper Print, 12.5w x 30h Canvas Print, 17.5w x 42h Canvas Print


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